Portfolio > Boots, Hats and Pans

Black on Black Landscape
India Ink on Rives BFK
22 x 30
2. Cowboy Boots
India and Sepia Ink, Graphite on Strathmore Drawing Paper
40 x 42
3. Blue, Red, Sky
Acrylic, India Ink and Charcoal on Rives BFK Paper
22 x 30
4. Upside Down
India Ink on Rives BFK
22 x 30
5. Loxahatchee River Road. Orange
Watercolor, India Ink, acrylic on Rives BFK Paper
22 x 30
6. Black Field. Cowboy Boot
India ink, acrylic, charcoal on Strathmore Paper
42 x 30
7. Black Field. Loxahatchee River Road
India ink, acrylic, charcoal on Strathmore Paper
42 x 30
8. Black Field. Fertilizer Hat
India ink, acrylic, charcoal on Strathmore Paper
42 x 30
9. Loxahatchee. Red, Black and White
India ink and acrylic on Rives BFK Paper
22 x 30
10. Red Canoe
Pastel, acrylic, india ink on Rives BFK Paper
22 x 30

10 works on paper from a series based on my experience growing up between rural and coastal Florida. The small images are the further development of a language expressing these experiences that I have been working on over the last 20 years.